
Archive for December 30th, 2008


I have had many opportunities to interact with clients on social media.  Some are quite aware and excited for it, some are confused, and some have thoughts that its not here to stay. 

I feel nearly 50% – 60% of middle level to upper lever organizations, Industries have social media presence.  But whats going wrong. Why they are not so popular as others in social media.

reasons for such an result is:

1. We dont need Social media:

Wake up!! its 2009! Twitter is getting older, Facebook even more, and orkut was centuries ago!!! If you still dont understand the power and impact of social media. only magic can save you. Atleast get registered yourself, to ensure someone else is not using your brand.

2. Starting Problem:

You heard abt Social media. WOW!! Sounds cool. and you created your shiny profiles on every possible social media site. Posted some comments, images and in few days you forgot. You never ever again bothered to update, discuss, interact with users/members. Less or no interactions indicate that you are their just for showing your face. So, for a start, rather than being on all platforms, signup 1-2 major social media services, and be regular on them.

3.  Plagiarism

Ok, so you needed some content for you presence, just googled, copied and pasted. there are several forums, discussions boards, having same topic and sometimes even same discussion also. Social media gives everyone a great chance to be original, new an cosntructive. Be original, authentic, then only your presence will be worth.

4. Experimentation

You say, we are experimenting social media. Great!! you must. But experimenting means, lack of seriousness, which can’t give convincing results. Experimenting is necessary but target, goal should be pretty clear, without loosing anything.

5. My young intern is handeling social media.

Social media is most well understood by youngsters. True. Do they handle the press releases or other big tasks. No. then why social media. Does your intern as know about/serious about your brand as you are? And even if he knows everything, what when he leaves? He takes away all the contacts, friends, insights and you will have to start all over again.

So what actually is the solution???

Just 4 simple steps:

  • Start doing it
  • Moniter/Track it
  • Learn from it / Plan new strategies
  • Repeat the above steps

So the bottom line is – If you want to participate in social media you have to see the value. And the value is your participation.

Got some points to add??

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